Please make a donation to ensure that future generations can enjoy the love and joy pets bring.

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Protect Pets
For over 50 years, Pet Advocacy Network and our committees have stood for the right to own pets and operate businesses who responsibly provide pets, and pet goods and services. Everyday we contend with legal challenges to these rights from local governments all the way up to international governing bodies. Pets and pet businesses deserve your support to ensure the well-studied benefits of pet ownership are protected and that responsible pet businesses can grow and thrive.
Legislative Defense Fund
Pet Advocacy Network’s general fund to promote and advance pet ownership while protecting against legislative and legal attacks on the rights of pet owners and pet businesses.
Funds are used directly to fund communication, legislation, and grassroots efforts.
Aquatic Fund
A fund maintained by the Aquatics committee solely dedicated to Aquatic Committee actions in defense of legislation, litigation, and other matters affecting aquatic pets, hobbyists, and aquatic pet businesses.
Funds are expended on retaining legal, environmental and science experts, and related travel and printing expenses.
It Takes a Community
Support pet care, join the Pet Advocacy Network.
We depend on the support of the responsible pet care community to ensure that pet lovers have opportunities to enjoy the companionship of healthy pets, and that the priorities of pet care businesses are protected now and in the future.
Essential News & Alerts
Keep on top of pet-related media coverage and Pet Advocacy Network news with our members-only daily and quarterly newsletters.
Shape Policy
Join our committees and make connections to lawmakers directing the future of pet care policy.
Pet Care’s Watchdog
Support our work tracking and taking action on issues that could directly impact your business.