Policy Priority
Pet Health & Availability
People seeking to enjoy animal companionship deserve to have a variety of legitimate and transparent sources where they can acquire the healthy pet that is the best fit for their lifestyle.
We work to ensure that Americans have the ability to bring home healthy, well-treated pets and the products and services they need to care for them. We oppose government actions that put up unnecessary roadblocks to pet ownership, and support those that implement common-sense, science-based safeguards to protect human and animal health and well-being.
what we work on

Pet Sale Bans
Pet sale bans, while well-intended, are misdirected and only serve to harm legitimate businesses –they do nothing to stop the bad actors who mistreat animals. Bans harm the transparent, highly-regulated and frequently inspected responsible pet stores that in many cases offer legal protections such as warranties. Without pet stores, families seeking a particular breed are forced to seek alternative sources and may turn to the underground, unregulated market for pets where they could fall victim to fraud or be sold an unhealthy animal.

Disease Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is seeing an increase in instances of potentially transmissible diseases – including the canine variant of rabies, which was thought to be eradicated in the United States – that can be traced back to imported animals. We support the Healthy Dog Importation Act that would implement common-sense regulations to ensure that dogs imported into the United States are carefully screened to protect pet and human health.

Trade Challenges
Millions of Americans brought home new pets during pandemic-forced isolation and social distancing, but they are now experiencing increased cost of caring for those pets. Supply chain disruptions are impacting virtually every aspect of the pet trade from product manufacturers to retailers to companion animal service providers. We are advocating for the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021 that would put in place common sense reforms to long-standing issues in the maritime shipping industry, and help ensure the continued availability and price stability of the products needed by America’s nearly 85 million pet owners and those who provide essential services to them.
Action Issues
Always on watch.
The rights of families to choose the healthy and well-treated pet that best fits their lifestyle, and access to reasonably-priced and readily available products and services to care for them are rights that need to be protected. Legislation banning access to certain pets will lead to a future in which fewer people are able to enjoy the benefits of animal companionship, and negative impacts on human health and our economy.
Explore Our Policy Priorities

Pet Ownership Barriers
Challenging barriers that prevent pet owners, businesses, and hobbyists from the joys and rights of pet ownership.
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Human Animal Bond
Making sure everyone can experience the wide-ranging benefits of the human-animal bond.
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Environmental Stewardship
Using educational outreach and policy to bring science-based best practices to the pet care community.
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Our Mission
Discover why the Pet Advocacy Network exists and why protecting the right to own pets is important to everyone
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See the impact we’re having through direct action on issues that affect the pet care community
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Who We Serve
Learn about who makes up the pet care community — from pet lovers, to retailers to manufacturers
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Pet Defense Funds
Help us ensure the public’s right to responsible pet ownership is preserved
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