Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Whitelist 

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is seeking a whitelist to refer to when regulating the trade of species into Florida due to the prevalence of some invasive species that have become unmanageable, such as Tegus and green iguanas.  

The Pet Advocacy Network is participating on FWC’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ensure that the pet care community’s expertise and priorities are well-represented and taken into consideration when decisions on species regulations are made. 

We are collecting the names of species common to the pet trade in order to submit them to FWC. If you trade in species including fish, aquaculture, birds, mammals (both land and sea), corals, and herps, please help us protect the responsible pet trade by emailing us the names of those species.  


  • Send a list of the species in trade that should be protected by being including on this whitelist, using both their common and scientific names.  
  • If the species is known by multiple taxonomies, you can include both or all the names.  

Send your list to: [email protected] as soon as possible, but no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on Friday, March 31, 2023.  

If you have any questions, contact Alyssa Miller-Hurley at [email protected] or 202-452-1525 x1000.