Pet Advocacy Network

Issue Updates

  • Texas Legislative Overview – 2023 Session

    TEXAS Legislative Overview – 2023 Session (Adjourned on May 29, 2023) 42 pet-related items were proposed during the 2023 legislative session, 27 of which were designated as priority by the Pet Advocacy Network. Final Disposition of Priority ISSUES: BILL # SUMMARY FINAL DISPOSITION HB 66 Kennel Fire Sprinkler System Requirement: Amends Title 10 (Health &… Read More

  • North Dakota Legislative Overview – 2023 Session

    NORTH DAKOTA Legislative Overview – 2023 Session (Adjourned on April 25, 2023) 1 pet-related item was proposed during the 2023 legislative session and was designated as a priority item by the Pet Advocacy Network. Final Disposition of Priority ISSUES: BILL # SUMMARY FINAL DISPOSITION HB 1361 Animal Personhood Status Prohibition: Amends Title 1 (General Provisions),… Read More

  • Arkansas Legislative Overview – 2023 Session

    ARKANSAS Legislative Overview – 2023 Session (Adjourned on April 7, 2023) 7 pet related items were proposed during the 2023 legislative session, 2 of which were designated as priority by the Pet Advocacy Network. Final Disposition of Priority ISSUES: BILL # SUMMARY FINAL DISPOSITION HB 1591 State Preemption Over Local Pet Store Laws: Amends Title… Read More