Action Issues:

California Local Ordinances


Current Legislation

  • Bill – 2025001 – DEL MAR, CA CITY COUNCIL


    Proposed Ordinance/Resolution/Ballot Measure would amend Title 4 (Animals), Chapter 4.09 (Retail Sale of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits) of Del Mar, CA Municipal Code to include additional animal classes, namely arachnids, birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and fish in the current provision that it is unlawful to display, offer for sale, deliver, barter, auction, give away, transfer, or sell any live dog, cat or rabbit in any pet shop, retail business, or other commercial establishment located in the City, unless the dog, cat or rabbit was obtained from a city or county animal shelter or animal control agency, a humane society, or a non-profit rescue organization.


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  • Bill – 2023001 – LOS ANGELES, CA CITY COUNCIL


    Ordinance No. 23-1008 would amend Chapter V (Public Safety & Protection), Article 3 (Animals & Fowl), Section 53.15.2 (Breeding & Transfer of Dogs and Cats) of Los Angeles, CA Municipal Code) to place an immediate and indefinite moratorium on the issuance of new breeding permits.


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    Proposal by the West Hollywood, CA City Council directing the City Attorney to research the feasibility of expanding the current ban on retail sales of dogs and cats in West Hollywood to add other animal species to the list.


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  • Bill – 2024002 – FRESNO, CA CITY COUNCIL


    Resolution No. 224-824 is a Fresno, CA City Council resolution to place an immediate and intermittent moratorium on the issuance of unaltered dog licenses.


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  • Bill – 2024003 – OJAI, CA CITY COUNCIL


    Ordinance amends Title 5 (Sanitation & Health), Chapter 4 (Animals) of Ojai, CA Municipal Code by adding a new Article 11 (Companion Animal Protection) in order to prohibit the “torture breeding” of certain breathing-impaired breeds of dogs.


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