Pet Advocacy Network


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  • Health Alert.

    Update on Outbreak of Campylobacter Infections in People Linked to Puppies

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), several states, and the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) have completed an investigation of a multistate outbreak of human Campylobacter infections. According to the CDC, the outbreak included 113 people with laboratory-confirmed infections or symptoms consistent with Campylobacter infection from… Learn More

  • In the Media.

    Emergency: Protect Animals

    We are sharing information about a change to Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulations that may impact your business operations as they relate to caring for animals during emergencies. The revisions will better ensure that entities responsible for animals regulated under the Animal Welfare Act are prepared to safeguard the health and welfare of such animals in the event of possible emergencies or… Learn More

  • Health Alert.

    Recent Salmonella Agbeni Infections Linked to Pet Turtles

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning the public that they and multiple states are investigating a multistate outbreak of human Salmonella Agbeni infections linked to contact with pet turtles. All turtles, regardless of size, can carry Salmonella bacteria even if they look healthy and clean. This outbreak is expected to continue… Learn More

  • Health Alert.

    Seoul Virus Outbreak

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Illinois Department of Public Health, and Wisconsin Department of Health Services are investigating human illnesses caused by the Seoul virus, a rare disease in the United States. The first illnesses were reported in December 2016 and involved two people operating a home-based rat breeding facility in Wisconsin. The facility had acquired rats from sources in Wisconsin and Illinois. Investigators found six people at two… Learn More

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