
We are the policy voice of the responsible pet care community, advocating for pet care priorities at the local, state, federal and international levels.

Smiling woman holding her pet dog.

Policy Priorities


Pet Health & Availability

Ensuring pet lovers have access to healthy, well-treated pets and the products & services needed to care for them.

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Pet Ownership Barriers

Challenging barriers that prevent pet owners, businesses, and hobbyists from the joys and rights of pet ownership.

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Environmental Stewardship

Using educational outreach and policy to bring science-based best practices to the pet care community.

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Human-Animal Bond

Making sure everyone can experience the wide-ranging benefits of the human-animal bond.

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The Latest News

  • Press Release.

    Pet Advocacy Network Applauds West Mifflin Borough Council for Voting Down Pet Ownership Limits

    West Mifflin, Pa. – The Pet Advocacy Network (PAN) commends the West Mifflin Borough Council for their wise decision to reject their proposed pet-limiting ordinance. “By voting down this restrictive legislation, the Council has demonstrated a deep understanding of the importance of the bond between people and their pets. This decision ensures that responsible pet… Learn More

  • Press Release.

    Pet Advocacy Network Cheers Florida’s CS/HB7073, Enabling Tax Holidays for Pet Evacuation Supplies

    Tallahassee, Fla. – May 7, 2024 – The Pet Advocacy Network celebrates the passage and signing of CS/HB7073 in Florida, this bill, which amends Florida’s current tax law by creating two tax holidays for disaster preparedness pet supplies, stands as an important measure in safeguarding the welfare of pets during emergencies. “We want to commend… Learn More

  • New.

    Protecting Pets & Preserving Ecosystems: Understanding the Impact of Invasive Species Policy on the Pet Care Community and What You Can Do About It!

    Join the Pet Advocacy Network’s Director of Government Affairs, Ashley Brinkman, Sandy Moore (Segrest Farms), Joe Hiduke, (5D Tropical) and Josh Willard, (Josh’s Frogs) to learn more about recent invasive species policies, the Habitattitude campaign, and how you can be a part of a proactive approach to help combat the spread of invasive species while… Learn More

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We depend on the support of the responsible pet care community to ensure that pet lovers have opportunities to enjoy the companionship of healthy pets, and that the priorities of pet care businesses are protected now and in the future.

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Pet Care’s Watchdog

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