Pet Advocacy Network


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  • Press Release.

    Statement from Pet Advocacy Network on Positive Court Ruling for the Hawaii Aquarium Fishery 

    Pet Advocacy Network Executive Vice President Bob Likins: “The Pet Advocacy Network welcomes the court’s decision on Earth Justice’s motion for summary judgment. Although we recognize that this is just one step in the process, we are very pleased with the court’s decision. Hawaii’s near-shore fishery is likely the best managed in the world, and… Learn More

  • Pet Advocacy Network Invites Pet Care Community to D.C. Fly-In This Fall 

    ALEXANDRIA, Va. – July 7, 2022 – The Pet Advocacy Network invites the responsible pet care community to meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill at the Fifth Annual Pet Care Community D.C. Fly-In on Wednesday, Sept. 21. The event brings together people involved in pet care with their elected officials during a day of scheduled… Learn More

  • Statement from the Pet Advocacy Network on Enactment of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act

    Pet Advocacy Network Executive Vice President Bob Likins: “The Pet Advocacy Network applauds the Members of Congress who came together in a bipartisan effort, and President Biden for signing into law, the Ocean Shipping Reform Act (S. 3580/H.R. 4996) that makes significant advancements towards an ocean transportation system that is competitive, efficient, and economical. This landmark… Learn More

  • Press Release.

    Pet Advocacy Network President & CEO Mike Bober Statement on New York Assembly Passage of Pet Sales Ban Bill  

    “On behalf of the responsible pet care community we urge Governor Hochul to veto S.1130/A.4283, a misguided bill that will do nothing to stop the bad breeders it purports to target but will only harm regulated and inspected New York pet stores, the licensed breeders they work with, and the customers who depend on them… Learn More

  • Alison Stern Joins Pet Advocacy Network as Director of Membership 

    ALEXANDRIA, VA – May 24, 2022 – The Pet Advocacy Network, the advocacy voice of the responsible pet care community, has hired Alison Stern as its new Director of Membership. Stern will build on her previous membership service expertise to develop and implement comprehensive member recruitment, engagement, and retention programs, as well as managing all aspects of… Learn More

  • Press Release.

    Statement by Pet Advocacy Network President and CEO Mike Bober Regarding S.1130 and A.4283, NY Legislation to Prohibit the Sale of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits by Pet Stores

    “We are disappointed that the New York Senate has passed S.1130 and urge the state Assembly to reject this legislation as written. This legislation will do nothing to stop bad breeders across the country, it will only harm regulated and inspected New York pet stores, the licensed breeders they work with, and the customers who… Learn More

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